Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Week 1: Financial Planning

Week 1 update: so far so good!

I've only had one accidental card swipe & another unexpected expense (Mia's new Potty Patch).

I've been using the envelope system and only using cash. When I had an accidental card swipe at the store, it made me realize how often I just automatically reach for the plastic. It really was an eye opener for me. I used to do it without thinking, it seems.

The grocery budget of $160 for 2 weeks...I honestly wasn't sure we could do it. However, we went to Aldi this weekend and got a TON of food for $50. We bought what we couldn't find at Wal-mart. We have ~$25 left over to use on groceries next week if we  need it. I doubt we'll need it though, because we got 2 weeks worth of food already (thank you meal planning for making shopping easier).

My husband and I went and talked with the bank about getting a mortgage. For a $130K house, we'll need roughly $4,500 for a down payment. Ouch. He asked how much we saved up and I just laughed...nothing. We spent our wedding money on the honeymoon and our new bed (which was needed badly). Luckily, I've started this new budgeting and we should be there in no time! We may have to extend our lease on our apartment for a few extra months, but that's okay. :)

We are meeting with a Realtor on Friday. We just want to get an idea of what's out there in our price range around this area.

I made a slight change to our budget as well. First $100 from my paycheck is going to God. I'm happy we went to church on Sunday, because it was an excellent sermon. Just the swift kick in the butt I've needed.

Deep breaths. This budgeting thing isn't as difficult as I thought it would be. :)

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